Surviving finals in college

Surviving finals in college

By Addison Colvin | Staff writer

With final exams coming to an end, it can be stressful cramming in all that studying. Here are some ways to best prepare, especially when the final is cumulative:


When it comes to studying the best order to do it is to study your favorite or easy subject last and the one that is more difficult first. Another tip of advice for finals week is to not cram it all the night before. You may think your brain is absorbing it, but it isn’t. Your brain can’t study all the information for a final exam and memorize it for all your classes.  


Next is to use the resources offered to you. This campus has a writing center and tutor center that will be open to help you prepare for finals. There are also other resources such, like Quizlet. Meet with your professor during office hours to ask any questions you have that you couldn’t ask in class, but don’t wait till the last minute to bombard them with a million questions.  


Get a group of friends together that are in the same class as you and quiz each other. That is the best way for the brain to absorb information because if you get it wrong and someone else knows the right answer, they can educate you on why their answer is correct. Studying in a group can help challenge you in ways you can’t do it yourself. While you are studying, try to follow the rule of thumb and review the main points and if you don’t know them. Try going through the main headings of the text or your notes and see if you can memorize them.  


When it comes to the day of the exam, try to arrive early to choose a seat that will help you be less distracted and so you can give yourself a chance to take a breath and relax before the exam begins. Once the quiz is given, look over all the questions and if you have the chance answer the easier questions first. After that, then you can focus on more difficult questions. Once you have taken the exam, try to remain calm. Don’t overthink or stress about it anymore. 

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